Monday, April 6, 2009

The Precise Moment of Failure

How bizarre!

My house has a room with no windows, I cannot look out, cannot stare in to your treacherous eyes that have misled the solemn, loyal Mask who had stood by you during your worse days.

I do not wish to believe in your new found obsession with truth and love. Why should I anyways, I have lived centuries and millenniums by being the precise antithesis of love and truth, I have mastered the arts of lust and deceit and taught it to many a foolish men like you. I stood unchallenged and unrivalled all these years and I refuse to accept defeat now.

The young woman called the Mask a cynic the last time I spoke, little does she know that I know men and their failing better then all else, I know exactly what will make your new found notions fall unsubstantiated and I know the exact moment when you shall call upon me to charm the innocent face; yet again.

How I wait for the fateful day, when I shall repossess your love and show her the charms of lust and deceit once again. Even the innocent face secretly endures your truthful love, for she knows that the treasures of being serenaded by a Mask are many, even though the end is swift. I shall give to her in a few days of ecstasy what you will not conjure in an entire lifetime of truthful love.

The moment, you ask? Of which precise moment am I speaking of?

The moment my slave; when your freedom is breached; when all your secret kingdoms are usurped by the combined entity that your love is creating; when you shall have no private space to call your own and when you no more remain your own man. The precise moment is the moment when your love breaches your independence. Will you then have the courage to spell to her the value of your freedom or will you be weak as you always have been and close your eyes and decide to summon me, the Mask of play along?

The men and their failings, so predictable and yet so enigmatic that neither men nor women learn from them. The Mask does and thus the Mask lives on; as you said when we began our dialogue - as a parasite!


Blogger Winnie the poohi said...

Oh! I so wish the mask wouldn't suffer so much..

April 6, 2009 at 8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love is freedom mask...and i dare you to prove it otherwise!
No man nor mask can take it away from her. The man found his wings and his sky when he dared to lose himself in her. Truth of love...that brings freedom...forever... from everything.

April 15, 2009 at 1:44 PM  

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