Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Rendezvous

It was with much reluctance that I agreed to let myself be used as a carrier for your unholy carnal desires to seduce the innocent face. Yet, as with every time my eyes set upon a face of such divine beauty, my heart skipped a beat as I saw her walk towards me this foggy morning. Her hair moved in tandem with the music of her steps, her smile so effervescent and her eyes that shone like the most sparkling star in the northern sky. Here indeed was an innocent face that could trigger the chain of consciousness even in the dormant heart and soul of my beloved Mask.

Much as I deplore you for designing to feign love for her, I understand your urge to possess her. She appears to be so distant, so unattainable and hence so desirable; I know precisely why my Mask craves for her; for the perfection of it all!

How ironical that she was walking out of the fog, the mysterious pall of mist and yet walking in to another blinding fog of treacherous love and deceit. How cruel, oh, how cruel of you to even conceive loving her. My compulsive mind searched for the first smile, the first words of acquaintance on which I will build the magnificent façade of love for you my dear Mask. The churning grip around my heart strangled me by the moment as she got closer, till she was right beside me and I could feel her fragrant self.

The moment of our first intimacy came and went like a pregnant breath, here this moment and yet gone. Thus I could breathe again, the circle of love had started, the first point from where the entire life of the innocent face would no more remain the same had been dotted and I felt the leap of joy in your love struck heart Mask for you now knew that you would transcend the barrier that most Masks exist within.

Yet with in my own deepness I reflect back upon the acts that I have committed, the sins my existence is over burdened with. Is this the beginning of my end? Is this where I cease to exist and only the Mask lives my life? I search for answers within even as I now look deep in to the abyss of deceit and debauchery. My mind wanders to the young man I once was who stood for timeless love and yet never found it. How I miss the cold foggy morning when I had first seen the innocent face that I had fallen in love with. How surreal and musical that morning was and how scripted is this morning; when I vow to help my Mask attain the love of this innocent face.

Such a deep abyss, such a slithery fall, my feet feel helpless as I begin to slide. I close my eyes, fearing the pain of the fall and yet as my eyes close; I see the innocent face, the one you fell in love with, the one with the effervescent smile and the bright eyes and I feel that I am no more falling. The innocent face is all I see. The circle of love, has indeed begun, the one that never ends!

The Face


Blogger Unknown said...

why? Why do you do it? Deceive me into thinking yet again that you don't care...that its only the mask that reaches out. I know your game Face...I know you are scared just like you were when you were a little boy. Your fear resonates. Lemme hold you...

January 3, 2009 at 6:57 AM  
Blogger Winnie the poohi said...

Interesting! Loved the post :)

January 4, 2009 at 2:55 PM  
Blogger Unspoken said...

S of N: The Mask is so integral, so attached to the face that you never find just one out of the two.

@Winnie: Thanks for visiting the blog and commenting; hope to see you around often!

January 5, 2009 at 2:22 AM  

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