Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Truthful Love

How does one ‘acquire’ love?

I do not wish to acquire Love, for love itself means the attainment of self. But since you ask this question Mask; let me tell you that I wish to have nothing in return for this love. My soul erupts in boundless joy every time I see her smile; my heart misses a thousand beats and yet thunders within every time I see the sparkle in her beautiful eyes.

What more can a Man ask for or seek when life in its entirety immerses itself in the million hues of love. I wish to be alive in this new found expression of truth and love today and for ever. In the decades leading up to this moment of truth I have compromised my existence between truth and escapism, love and greed. I have often mistaken love for lust and lust for love and often have I surrendered pregnant happiness to the lure of deceitful Masks.

Not this time my friend, for I stand at the cross roads of my eventful life; I have failed so often that I believed that I will have no more chances; but my destiny runs deep and I have one more chance to resurrect my life and future. My future lies not in acquiring love, but in nurturing it. My destiny beckons me; not to reach out; but to search within and bask in the goodness of the being that only true love can provide.

How complete I feel when she understands my silence, when she makes me smile even when the dark clouds of uncertainty hover above us. I feel like the Man I was always meant to be when she appreciates me for what I am, with all my failings; never once making me contemplate calling upon the Masks that I always fell back on before I had found love. I have no animosity towards you Mask, but I feel no more need of you; not today or ever for I am now truly in love.

The innocent Face is what I was always waiting for. With every passing day, the belief strengthens with in me that my life has now touched its core, my cause is complete and I seek no more. I seek not to acquire love for I am blessed with it; my soul is now truthfully embalmed in love. I seek not to acquire love; for no material possession will now be a cause big enough to make me compromise on the most divine possession of all – to be possessed by the love of the innocent Face!



Blogger Winnie the poohi said...

You make me want to fall in love now! :)

February 22, 2009 at 12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful all encompassing love has filled you up man and i rejoice with you. You have bathed in truth and i behold your beautiful glowing self. The power of love lies not in innocent face but love itself and you have walked upon the well of life, youth and beauty...Elixir! I wish you passion, confidence, and jubiliation.

Mask, Innocent face...everything falls away...leaving the man free be. The metamorphosis shall find its culmination and love its rightful the soul of the man!

February 22, 2009 at 8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this again today...finding new meaning... a new you. Will it happen again and yet again, everytime i read you?

March 20, 2009 at 2:48 AM  
Blogger Winnie the poohi said...

Ah where is a new post? its been more than a month! miss your writes!

March 26, 2009 at 4:11 PM  
Blogger Neeru Iyer said...

This is doubtless one of the deepest posts I've ever read. You're truly a master of words. It's so good to read a post coming from a person who holds supreme control over the language and its nuances, and who can wield the words to describe and make the reader LIVE whatever he's going through.


April 5, 2009 at 4:05 AM  
Blogger Unspoken said...

Thank you Winnie and Neeru for connecting with the dialogue. I do wish I could talk more often but the mundane takes up too much of space.

The dialogue does continue none the less.

April 6, 2009 at 6:11 AM  

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