Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Ignorant Face

The perfect delirium of nascent love

When the man meets the innocent face

The surge of love, hope and lust

Hah! The perfectly ignorant race!


The mistaken bonds to eternity

The false love, devoid of grace,

Must the man be so insolent?

That death, must he embrace!

I go where you go, I shall always be around visible or in hiding and so I was with you when you walked holding the hand of the innocent face. I heard the utterly romance laden conversation you had with her; I felt too, the warmth of your skins permeating.

Now if you think that I would be burning in the hellfire of jealousy, then I must tell you that you are wrong. Do you recollect the sudden uncalled for surge of lust as she came close to you? Do you recollect shunning the thoughts of hiding bitter truths from her as she asked you about the life that you have lived?

Indeed you do, you are aware that it was me, your friendly Mask urging on the lust and the lies with in you. Yesterday as you shared a beautiful picture of a life together with her, you were fighting a constant battle with in, a battle to curb your own Mask. You succeeded my friend, you did keep me unfulfilled yesterday, but do I have to remind you of the worthlessness of fighting such a battle? Must I tell you that the Mask does not accept defeat? My persistence at being around and active in your life will eventually see you breaking down. The temptations that I create, the ones we spoke about very early in our dialogues will eventually be too grand and seductive for you to resist.

That is indeed the way I scale my battles, by grinding your weak desire to be truthful and honest against the imposing castles of temptations that I create. Remember my friend, that I am the thousand headed monster you used to dread as a child, I fear not losing a head to your vain conquests, neither a few more for I am indestructible. I shall keep coming back, keep asking you questions, keep denouncing your false chivalry and break you down bit by bit till you give in completely, till the day you surrender your love for the innocent face to the lust of the Mask.

Oh my dear face, do not hate me for conspiring to take your love away from you. I am but after all your friend; I seek to help you find happiness and contentment too. I just know that you are ignorant; you know not what is good for you anymore. Love the innocent face as much as you wish to, but do remember, the Mask will eventually take over, the lust and greed will eventually conquer the deceptive notion of lifelong love. Remember all of this, for when the heart breaks; it is only the Mask that keeps you alive with hope. When the innocent face is gone as it must, it will be the Mask again; who shall find you yet another face to fall in love with.


Blogger Unknown said...

:) mask mask mask... you made me smile today. I don't hate you mask for I neither accept your immortality nor invincibility. In fact, today, i even doubt your existence :))))
I hear your fear today...very much like the little boy's years ago...i see you stomping your feet like a spoilt brat! Ha! Throw all tantrums you want, assert all you can but today I know you have started feeling scared. You know the man will see it happening and thats why your empty words of victory!
You can't win...not when I love him...for with me he becomes complete...invincible! You see mask, don't you?

January 11, 2009 at 2:49 AM  
Blogger Winnie the poohi said...

hey you havent been around for a long time!

Do blog soon :)

January 21, 2009 at 3:16 PM  

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