Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Mask, Olives and Dreams

I hate olives; I hate the way olives smell and taste. I have no clue why the enlightened souls trust olive branches to work towards peace and harmony. But yet, for the sake keeping our union intact, I will offer this little branch of olive to you my friend. Accept it and let’s move on, it is a beautiful life after all.

Do not look at me like that, I am in a serene mood now, I will tell you about all the nice things we innocently committed ourselves to in the past and do not forget about the promises the future holds. Do I give you a hard time when you weigh me down with all your dreams, unfulfilled most of them? I am so diligent, I love you so much and I work tirelessly to make your dreams come true. It was such fun when you were a kid; your dreams went beyond the borders of practical truism. I particularly love that one dream of yours, you secretly wanting to command your very own space ship, replete with secret gadgets. You’d go zipping through the vacuum around the million stars, often alone, often leading a crew made up of your one time friends; now servants. You even created a whole new language of the space ship captain; I spoke it for you. Your parents were not so pleased though most of the times I’d speak in the alien language to them. They did seriously consider grounding your ship.

I still sometimes hear the secret language reverberate inside our common brain, it still tells me a few things and it still tells me that the kid wants to be born again. The kid was so happy, he was happy with in himself, by himself; he did not need the parents or teachers or friends most of the times. The kid spoke to himself, like the man speaks to himself right now. Is it the alien language we are talking in right now? We fought and cursed each other and now I smile back at you, nursing your wounds, there were times in the last few days when it became intolerably loud and yet we kept the dialogue with in. So it must be our secret language. Let’s keep talking.

Let’s go back to our space ship; could we? Life was so much better there. Our ship, our language and just the two of us. We can go where ever we want to go, meet the people we want to meet. I hate it when people put you under stress; I miss my happy little kid, who’d dream of distant stars and his place amongst them. For a few days in our entire life, let us be alone and watch the world go further away from us. We will talk amongst ourselves and make plans to make all your dreams come true.

I promise I will do my best to make you happy, I am a good Mask.


Blogger tunia said...

I used to dream about a house on the moon.

March 29, 2008 at 9:00 AM  
Blogger Winnie the poohi said...

Escapism ! I wonder nay am intrigued! What are you trying to escape from ?

January 4, 2009 at 3:21 PM  

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