Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Face Dreams

The Dream Catcher
I was quiet for a few days, it felt nice to be sitting and breathing bare, uncluttered. It helped that I cried myself hoarse, dried the toxic tears of loneliness. I must not be too hard on myself; I can not let you have your sadistic, masochistic pleasures. I am a splendid man Mask, I learnt and evolved and ruled the world the way I wanted. I conquered my fears and I learnt to live and conceal my weaknesses. You caught me on a weak footing for a while, didn’t you? But alas my friend, that’s about as far as you go, I am standing up again, with or without you.

I was reflecting Mask, reflecting on the skills that I possess and you don’t. I said to myself, there must be a power that I have which you can only look up to and aspire for longingly. I do have that power, the power to dream, to imagine and to fantasise; do you have that too? Not that I am aware of. I have created worlds and empires out of my dreams. My dreams have launched a thousand inventions, out of which you are but just one. I dream of owning power and authority, I dream of happiness and of lust; such fantastic dreams.

You can only look in a straight line Mask, up ahead, you can scheme and manipulate, but it is me and my dreams that feed you. I fed you then and I feed you now and so it will continue. Deny as much as you can, we will thrive in co-existence; you will never find a man as full of rationality and mysticism as I am.

I was a dreamer when I was a child. I used to dream of climbing high mountains and wrestling with giant beasts with my bare hands. I also had dreams of living in a space ship, visiting unseen lands in the corners of our universe. I needed no mask to fulfil those dreams of mine; I knew no mask could help me fulfil those dreams. I kept accumulating those dreams, kept stacking them up one on top of another, carefully, so as not to ruffle them and cause the smallest of tear in the beautiful fabric of my dreams. Soon, I had a stock pile so high that it went higher then the highest mountains. I kept dreaming, I wanted to fly and I wanted to own the largest, the most fierce gun ever made. Where were you when I was living my life with my dreams Mask, you were consigned to handle the more mundane, irrelevant tasks of my life. You are right, I made you do the dirty jobs, where as I was finding bliss in my dreams.

For all these years, while you kept sucking on my life blood, I was working in the background, creating a whole new world; the world of my dreams. I never even mentioned this to you Mask, you never deserved to know. I own that world Mask, I am the lord of it, and my dreams are my subjects. The dreams are and will stay true to me, I give them the shape I want, I can kill a dream when it stops to please me and my dreams will die and will be buried with me. My dear humble servants, they will serve me again in my after life. Who knows, I may dream of a beautiful after life as well.

Mask, if only you knew how to dream. You are so afraid of death, you try so hard to cling on to your false existence; if only you could dream with me, we could have made this life, a dream come true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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March 13, 2008 at 5:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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March 15, 2008 at 5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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March 23, 2008 at 12:20 AM  
Blogger Rajat said...


U make me reflect into my soul, may god bless you, brilliant reflections, after I started reading, I could not stop reading and go deep into my inner self, the mask wont ever be removed, keep writing please!


March 26, 2008 at 11:18 AM  
Blogger Unspoken said...

Isn't the Mask covering us all, it's the same fabric, fabric of dreams, unfulfilled mostly.

I am glad you recognize the Mask.

Why did Amarantine stop before it began?


March 27, 2008 at 7:54 AM  

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