Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Beast

Such a long period of hibernation!

But we did not sleep, did we? It’s been a perilously difficult journey in these past few months. Even I feel tired and drained; I wonder how you must be feeling! But this is not the time to stop and reflect, this is the time to walk faster, for the time of reckoning is closer then ever. Have you not felt it? Have you not felt the shadows of your past creeping up upon you?

Oh, how the shadows fill you with fear!

For years we have ran together, causing the heist and then escaping in to nothingness, only to emerge when the noise turns in to din to cause another crime. For years we have laughed at the naivety of our victims and now when the sun of your life has gone over and past your head, the shadows are beginning to lengthen.

But here is what I tell you my friend, you must not fear, you must not give in and bury your proud head in the sands; for you have me.  You have your ever loyal Mask, the one who never got defeated, the one who has lived inside you and helped you escape every time. So this is what we do now, in the time of crisis – we evolve in to our best, most ambitious form ever and take the shadows of the past head on. We must not hesitate from lying if we have to and speak the ugly truth even if it kills them. We must create a wholly fantastic illusion to deceive those who now wish to catch us off guard.

What do you stand to lose when you have nothing? What do you fear for when death is not an enemy? What do you yearn for when all the love that you ever had has already been lost? The freefall of stairs and the leap off the cliff has already happened to you, in your sub-conscious mind you have lived through the most traumatic pain. Now is when you start laughing with abandon. For years I have yearned to see a truly happy YOU! Now is the time when you should repay my efforts and surrender your soul to the attainment of the ultimate goal – realization of self. I wish to see you living for yourself, finding happiness within, finding happiness in others and moving on and ahead when others suck the happiness from you.

Oh, what immense joy in just the expression of a desire - The desire to live for self! Imagine a life time spent in the pursuit and attainment of this desire, how wholesome and gratifying! Now my friend, tell me how you feel, does the weight on your shoulders still weigh you down or do the sparkling possibilities of a life fill you with the child like energy that you once possessed? Tell me who you see in the distance, see with your eyes and tell me where we should head to.

On this cold wintery evening when the sky looks gloomy, pull the sun out of its hiding and place it right above your head. The beast is coming back to life, with the unbound force of passion and desire that lay dormant for years. Yes, bring the beast back to life, let life run through the veins of our tired existence once again and let’s call for a toast.

Here’s to a life without shadows and a life full of happiness!

The Mask


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