Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Mask Speaks

I am a mask, not a funny mask, not even a scary one, but just a mask. I can assume the shape you want me to assume, like I always do. I make you look happy or sad or whatever else your mind desires me to be. You found me at the back of the beyond corner of your soul all those years ago and I am glad you have been loyal to me ever since. You believe I am your true friend, you think I help you through the tough times and through the easy ones as well.
You first put me on when you wanted to appear brave. Remember the scuffle outside the school gate, you were young and visibly scared then, weren’t you? Out comes the mask and makes you look brave and there, you discovered me. Remember the first time you wanted to look cool? What about the time you wanted to lie? You so wanted them to believe that you are so talented, so out of this world and out comes the mask and it does the dirty job for you. See, there, how loyal have I been to you.

The numbing hallucination that masks do not have a life and a conscience was just that, a hallucination. You put me on so often that I gradually became a part of you, skin and flesh and all those zillion cells that constitute you. Your conscience started to become mine too, I could not help it. I started to acquire a form which was never known to me, I started to bleed every time you made me lie, every time you used me to use the others.

I do not lie to you my friend, so I will agree that there were times when you wanted to remove me, see your true self, feel spiritual. But how could you do that to me and yourself? I was already a part of your skin by then, you would have had to peel yourself off bare in a world full of beautiful lies. I agree it is a painful thought. I know you hate pain, that’s why you discovered me in the first place. So you let me be, you thought I will wear off, fade off and then you will not have to worry, you will never have to explain.

My friend, should I apologise for having more talents and skills then you ever had? You found me for free, I was ‘there’ and so you let me hang around. You used ‘my’ skills, ‘my’ talents to win people, fame and money. Did you ever not notice that all that you own now is mine? You even forgot how to be happy in life with all that I obtained and you started summoning me again and more to help you find happiness and I obliged.

I like it when you talk to me; I am a friendly mask after all. I like it when you cry in front of me and hide behind me. You think people see you smile when I smile for you; I like it then because I can feel your tears satiating my skin. I asked nothing of you and you wanted to give me nothing but some where along the years of our one ness you forgot that you owed me everything that you had. I am a mask my friend, I can hold no emotions for ever, I can hold no guilt for ever. You ought to know, so forgive me today when I tell you that I possess you now, I hold you a prisoner since I need you as much as you needed me then. Forgive me, but I will live this life for you now, I will let you die when your time comes and then I will move on, there are many a young boys wanting to appear brave in front of the school gate.
The Mask


Blogger Winnie the poohi said...

I remember reading this before.. though I dont remember when and how.. I must have stopped in before too :)

I was impressed then.. and am now too :)

January 4, 2009 at 3:23 PM  

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